Professional Net Best Web Design & Hosting
- Websites that work! We will design (or help you design) a website to meet your business and/or personal objectives.
- Full Featured Hosting! Full Featured or Economy sites Starting at 50mb
web site storage for the economy hosting package. Basic Business and larger packages are available. Packages that include SECURE access (SSL), nearly unlimited transfer,
POP3, FTP/Telnet, CGIs ready-to-run are available.
- NEW! Annual Pricing - Our Expanded package prices range from $75.00 per year to $375.00 per year. Call us for details at 208-667-3566 or email us at We will also build a package to meet your specific needs.
- Virtual Domains!
( Password Protected Accounts, Foreign Extensions
- Excellent Customer Service! Prompt
replies to your inquiries to meet your customer service needs. 24/7 Email based support. Quick service response.
- Professional Options! Infobots, and more!
- Low Setup Fee & No Contracts! $25.00 one time web site setup fee and pre-pay service month-to-month. Web hosting fees are due on or before the first of each month. Payment may be made on-line or via regular mail services.
- No Hidden Fees! Each web hosting account (domain)
comes with the services listed. Some Options are noted on our features page..
- North American and International Site
Hosting! Host your .com, .net, .org, .cc, .to, .ch, .it, .de, .il,
.ca, .fi, extension with us!